Author: jmwolf

Trace Black hasn’t forgotten the tragic death of his parents and birth pack. His only focus since then was looking after his twin brother, Casey. Now that Casey has found his fated mate and started a family of his own, Trace has given everyone the cold shoulders, preferring the comfort of solitude. But one alpha who rescued him from being attacked by beta wolves changed everything for Trace, as … as he once again faces the monster who killed his family. Unfortunately, that same monster is also his fated mate.A decision made in the heat of anger and vengeance changed…

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Cyrus Winters, an omega wolf and an ice mage is dangerous to others. After running away from his birth pack at an early age, Cyrus traveled from place to place in hopes of finding a pack that would accept him. But once they realized that he was no ordinary omega wolf, they quickly turned their backs on him. Alone and shunned as a monster, Cyrus has kept himself hidden at the top of the Wichita … Mountains where nobody would reach him. That is, until he hears the song of his fated mate.Dorian Lovell once had the family he’d always…

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