Author: jennafox

SLOANEBetrayal.In my worst nightmare, it was a word I never thought I’d associate with the only person who’d given me hope–the only woman who’d given me something to believe in.And even though I’d begun to break my cardinal rule, ‘never fall for a woman’, she’d turned my world upside down.Never trust.Never love.I gave her everything–pulled her out of a hellish life. She was grateful, and said … out of a hellish life. She was grateful, and said she’d do anything for me. I believed her.But every word that passed her sweet lips was a lie. And every promise she’d made…

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Sloane Rothchild, billionaire bachelor, is an older man with a penchant for punishments. Contains spankings, bondage, submission/domination themesMe. He’d chosen me.Not a rich girl.Or a pretty girl.But me… bachelor, could’ve picked a beautiful and educated girl to be his new assistant. But he wanted me. And all I had to do was show him I could obey.Be a good girl.Be his dirty girl.But if I didn’t obey…I’d get the whip.Spankings.Chains…Oh, why did the dirty and forbidden things he wanted to do to me send tingles in all the right places?So, I fell hard and fast for him. I bared him…

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