Author: janineinfantebosco

Walking the line, exercising self-control, and respecting boundaries was never my thing. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife—it’s one of the ten commandments and the number one rule you don’t break when you’re a prospect for the Satan’s Knights. I fell in love with the former vice president’s wife. A lethal mistake on my behalf, that only left me bitter and standing on the edge of an … overpass.I would’ve jumped if it hadn’t been for the terrified girl, crying on the other side of the fence. She was seventeen and the district attorney’s daughter. She was also pregnant…

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One way or another, all men pay for their crimes. Some do their time locked in a cage, while others meet their due karma without a judge or a jury. My debt to society is almost paid, and soon I’ll be free to get my son the justice he deserves. Justice he wouldn’t be due if only I had done my job as his father and protected him. There’s just one hitch, and her name is Charlotte.The gorgeous and … Charlotte.The gorgeous and completely inexperienced paralegal’s mission seems to be making me a law-abiding citizen and not a vengeful son…

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They’re called one-night stands for a reason. If you’re lucky, there’s a lot of mind-blowing sex and then you never have to see or speak to the person again. It’s fun and uncomplicated. In my case, Bash hightailed it to the airport the next morning so I definitely never expected to run into the former prospect for the Charon MC again. But when his mother passed, he dragged his pipes all the way … way from Texas to New York, and now he’s crashing at the Satan’s Knights clubhouse. Which also happens to be where I work and the scene…

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It’s not a wicked world that drives a man to sin, it’s a deranged mind. Baptized in dirty water by Satan himself, I’ve spent my whole life fighting the good fight, searching for the light in the darkness of insanity. Now, the light I’ve basked in for so long is finally dimming and the time has come for me to take my final bow before the curtain closes on my sanity.After making a deal with the … with the district attorney and providing my club with full immunity for the crimes we’ve committed, I have twenty-four hours to remind my…

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Seventeen years on the job, I still remember my first day like it was yesterday. I fixed my probie patch to my uniform, strapped on my gear and ran to catch the Staten Island Ferry, making my way to the burning towers. My boots pounded the pavement of lower Manhattan as the dire need to save lives pulsated through my veins.It was the day I became a hero.Throughout my career, I often thought about … thought about the man I saved that day. I wondered about his life. If he had eventually married and had a family of his own.…

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Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, something extraordinary comes along that knocks you on your ass…“Wolf”I’m a simple man with simple values. You either love me or you hate me, but the ones who need me, always got me. I’m the self-proclaimed Wolf of the Satan’s Knights MC, the beast who will fight his way out of any dark alley to defend your honor. The brother you call … you call upon when you’ve lost your faith in humanity. However, secrets and lies are the cancer of a man’s soul. Exposed, they will eat…

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Sometimes we must let go of what was, appreciate what remains and fearlessly embrace what comes next.“Bas”Born to a family of outlaws, I was destined to ride with the Satan’s Knights MC. With mayhem and havoc in my blood and chaos living deep in my soul, I learned the Devil don’t sleep. You never hear him creeping and he often comes disguised as everything you ever wanted.I was just teenager when … was just teenager when he first showed, masquerading as the girl of my dreams. A whiskey shootin’ spitfire who knocked me on my ass and helped me turn…

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Linc:A man who can’t visualize his future will always revert to his past.To where he came from and all the ways he failed.The murder and mayhem that changed his life and darkened his soul.The legacy of who he is will burn through his veins and ominously guide him to hell.A place where he pays not only for his sins but the sins of his father as well.A hustler by nature, a loner by choice, I am the … a loner by choice, I am the spawn of Satan.I am Lincoln Brandt and I am the son of Cain.Kelly:Reckless and rebellious,…

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