Author: jalizaaburwell

Dr. Laila Porter has successfully kept Cyril Shanton alive. Now it’s time to learn that when a dragon wants something, they get it, and Shanton wants Laila. The dragon has uncovered an old cave system, and he needs Laila’s expertise to get through the dangerous traps safely because he wants what the traps protect.With time running out, Laila, Davies, Rhett, and Venni have to traipse through the … through the dangerous tunnels with Shanton and his team. While trying to stay alive, Laila learns about her origins, about who she is, and where she came from. She’s gone over a…

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Working in the bowels of Biomystic Security, Dr. Laila Porter is content as a magical lab technician. To her, nothing is more exciting than figuring out how to use both magic and technology in innovative ways to help the security experts at BMS stay alive.After a small incident involving one of her prototypes, Laila is offered a job she can’t turn down: boost the company’s defenses in preparation … preparation for a visit by an important client everyone wants dead. Eager to put her skills to the test, she accepts. But once she begins, she realizes she needs to brush…

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