Author: hunterblain

What price is beyond reason for revenge? Taking a mortal life? Giving up your own normal existence? What about your immortal soul? From behind the barred windows of his cell, that’s exactly what John Cook must decide after helplessly witnessing the brutal execution of his proud father and his beloved mother. A disheveled man with eyes the color of sunset and swathed in Victorian clothes matted … Victorian clothes matted with earth makes an offer John cannot possibly reject. While scowling outside his window at the murderous commander with raw, searing hate that could fuel the sun for eons, John’s…

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In the beginning, John was given the choice to avenge his family or die alongside them. He made his decision and has been seeking redemption ever since. Is it possible for a vampire, who has done unspeakable deeds, to change his inherent nature enough to go to Heaven once he takes the big sleep?As if by divine intervention, our witty anti-hero stumbles across his potential salvation in the form … the form of Father Thomes Philseep. Only problem is the holy man has been battling evil entities, like John, his entire life. Can a preternatural being convince a warrior of…

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