Author: gingertalbot

“I’m going to tear apart heaven and hell to find her.” My Tamara is gone. Taken. Kidnapped to be tortured and killed. In my search for her, I won’t leave a stone unturned. I’m going to find her. And then I’m going to destroy the man who took her away from me… family or not.It’s time to train Tamara. When I’m not around, she needs to know how to protect herself. The world is filled with many … to protect herself. The world is filled with many monsters. I am just one of them. Tamara needs to learn to keep…

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“Dexter Meets 50 Shades of Grey.” Manhattan’s sexiest billionaire has a horrifying secret…and I’m so sorry I found out…Once upon a time…I was a 19-year-old girl with a law school scholarship. My ugly past was finally behind me and my whole life lay ahead. My name… was Tamara. But now…I don’t own my mind or my body anymore. I don’t even have my name. Now, I’m called Toy, and I am the … my name. Now, I’m called Toy, and I am the prisoner of the most beautiful serial killer the world has ever seen.My purpose in life is to…

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Secrets and lies tore us apart. Can love keep us together? SERGEI Willow thought she got away from me, but she was wrong from the beginning, wrong about everything. I find her trying to take down a human trafficking ring, unsure whether I’m there to help her, or drag her down. But from now on, Willow doesn’t have a choice. She will be my wife. She will submit. She will play her role. 30 days … She will submit. She will play her role. 30 days until she becomes mine forever. 30 days for her final chance to run. 30…

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The monster draws pleasure from my pain.Now, it’s time to fight back.SERGEI30 days of pain have pushed Willow to her limits.My pretty prisoner is no longer meek. She’s trying to resist.But my precious prize doesn’t know what I know.Nobody has ever won a war against me.Nobody has ever bested me.And she’s not going to be the first.Good luck, little Willow…Now you’re not fighting to escape anymore. first.Good luck, little Willow…Now you’re not fighting to escape anymore.You’re fighting to survive.WILLOWMy captor’s rules have changed. I’m still a prisoner, and freedom seems further away than ever.I have endured every blow, every harsh…

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A monster doesn’t know how to love.But maybe she can teach him… If he doesn’t break her first.WILLOWMy uncle handed me over as collateral for a $5 million debt…And the beast who claimed me knows no mercy.I don’t know if he has a soul, or if I can melt his frozen heart.Sergei is a Russian mob boss, a cruel, evil man who draws pleasure from my pain.My time to find the man inside the monster is … from my pain.My time to find the man inside the monster is running out.If I don’t save him, I won’t be able to…

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