Author: georgialecarre

After her sister’s death, Raven has been too busy taking care of her young niece to think about dating. But then she falls for a dark, mysterious stranger who can’t resist the temptation to fulfill her deepest desires…

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I thought he was a player…how could I have possibly known what he really was?-Rosa With those searing whiskey eyes, chiseled face, and cocky attitude it was pretty obvious he was a player. Ordinarily, I would have been able to resist him, but it was my best friend’s wedding, and I’d had a lot of alcohol, so I thought, what the hell. At the very least he’d have the skills, and judging by that … he’d have the skills, and judging by that huge swell in his pants, the equipment to give a bridesmaid a good time.Of course, we used…

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Lara.I was born into darkness. Just like a puppy, only my darkness is eternal. Everyone else sees a world I can only imagine, but hey, don’t pity me. I don’t. I’ve got a lot of imagination, and I’ve made my world beautiful more beautiful that you can know. When I was a small child, my mother said I used to run into furniture, and if I was not too badly hurt, I’d get back up and continue running … up and continue running down the same path. When I grew older I understood that the world is not built for…

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