Author: eveahunt

A dragon. A twisted curse. And a finale to rival the glory of chocolate croissants. I used to think burned scones and bad hair made for a rough day. When a dragon crawls out of a hole in Main Street, I realize it’s time to rework that definition. I broke the Mage Duke’s curse, but the dark spell hasn’t disappeared. Instead, the casting morphed into a legless dragon thing that wants to eat me. dragon thing that wants to eat me. Nailed it. And to top off this crap sandwich, the town’s local reporter has decided to rouse a mob…

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I always thought if I had magical powers, life would be cake. Wrong. My fated mate is the enemy of my kind, I have days to figure out how to keep him from literally going up in smoke, and at any moment one of my magic’s surges will shock my heart and strike me down. If I don’t learn how to control my mage abilities pronto, I’m dead. I thought that portalling to hang with other mages would solve … that portalling to hang with other mages would solve things, and I’d find some rad crone-like chick to help me…

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What do sexy fae lords, a vampire assassin, and a mysterious castle have in common?Yours truly.Yeah no, I did not plan this.When my bestie and I opened a fabulous bakery, I planned to live a long life shoving pumpkin muffins into my face hole and working them off during my self-defense class. But when a castle full of ridiculously gorgeous immortals showed up on the ley line running through my … up on the ley line running through my small town outside Nashville, my life changed. A lot. Like a lot, a lot.Because of an ancient curse, the immortals can’t…

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