Author: emilyblythe

He was the millionaire bachelor who locked himself away in an old manor house.After what happened all those years ago, the reality of the outside world was too harsh and painful to endure. Seeing everyone else move on with their lives, while he lingered in an emotional purgatory was agonizing.His bitterness slowly crept into every corner and crevice of what was once an enchanting family edifice. … once an enchanting family edifice. Eventually, it to, became like him—cold, dark and empty. Until I came along.With a lot of persistence and some holiday spirit, I could make that place into something…

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One night can change everything… The first time I met Julian, they almost arrested me for crashing his party and stealing his wallet. Not exactly the first impression I was hoping for.The second time was at a cocktail mixer–my first gig as a paid escort for an elite dating agency in New York. By then, I knew he thought I was a total psycho. But for some reason, he still picked me.Me. A clumsy, … was a total psycho. But for some reason, he still picked me.Me. A clumsy, naïve, and totally out of my depth twenty-two-year-old who’d grown up…

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A saint with a secret. A titan with a heartache. Filthy rich, heartless, and hot as sin. Everyone in New York thought they knew Oliver Lewin. And I believed them the morning he stepped into my office. When he was sentenced to community service, I drew the short straw to be his supervisor. He represented everything I despised, from his bank account to his cold indifference. I was stuck with … account to his cold indifference. I was stuck with him. A man I couldn’t stand… a man whose impossibly green eyes ignited me at a glance. But that wasn’t…

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