Author: ellencrosby

Ellen Crosby pours up another corking mystery with The Angels’ Share, an intriguing blend of secret societies, Prohibition bootleg wine, and potentially scandalous documents hidden by the Founding Fathers, all of which yield a vintage murder. When Lucie Montgomery attends a Thanksgiving weekend party for friends and neighbors at Hawthorne Castle, an honest-to-goodness castle owned by the Avery … castle owned by the Avery family, the last great newspaper dynasty in America and owner of the Washington Tribune, she doesn’t expect the festive occasion to end in death. During the party, Prescott Avery, the 95-year old family patriarch, invites Lucie…

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When Jamison Vaughn –Virginia real estate mogul, vineyard owner, and failed US presidential candidate –drives his gold SUV into a stone pillar at the entrance to Montgomery Estate Vineyard, Lucie Montgomery is certain the crash was deliberate. But everyone else in town is equally sure that Jamie must have lost control of the SUV on a rain-slicked country road. In spite of being saddled with … massive campaign debts from the election, Jamie is seemingly the man with the perfect life. What possible reason could he have for committing suicide? Lucie soon uncovers a connection between Vaughn, his old friends…

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Ellen Crosby’s third tale of suspense set amid the vines of Virginia wine country involves a two-hundred-year-old bottle of Bordeaux that Thomas Jefferson may have purchased for George Washington and is turning out to be a wine to die for. It has been a year since Lucie Montgomery took over running her family vineyard at the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. The Bordeaux Betrayal now … Bordeaux Betrayal now sweeps her into a mystery that began more than two centuries ago in France and ends in murder not far from Montgomery Estate Vineyard. When author and historian Valerie Beauvais…

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The Chardonnay Charade begins with a daring helicopter flight in the middle of the night. Facing a freak spring frost that threatens to kill the grapes in her vineyard, Lucie Montgomery hires a chopper to fly over the vines in order to blow warm air on them. But her thoughts soon turn from grapes to murder when she discovers the body of Georgia Greenwood, a controversial political candidate, … lying near the fields. Georgia’s husband, Ross, Lucie’s friend and doctor, immediately falls under suspicion. To make matters worse, Ross, a renowned collector of Civil War documents, has just discovered a…

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