Author: ellagoode

Jonas Willits has it all—the good looks, the prestigious name, and the massive international corporation. He could have any woman on the planet, but to his family’s dismay, he remains stubbornly single. They’ve tried to set him up and, when that doesn’t work, they’ve even resorted to trickery. Nothing is effective because Jonas has only loved one woman his entire life but she died years ago and … and he’ll never get over her. With the help of strangers who grew into friends, Darby started a new life for herself and her child. For the most part, she’s content but…

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I think there are two ways to look at my husband Lucas. Some find him scary. He’s big, broad, and works with the dead, but, to me, he’s the man I fell in love with the first time I saw him. He’s the man who makes me dinner, rubs my feet, and makes love to me until the sun washes away the stars. I know there’s a side of him that he keeps from me. Another woman might be suspicious that he always … he always comes home freshly showered or that he takes frequent business trips out of town.…

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I left a job I was very good at to seek a better life. The new life is boring. I get up. I go to classes. I avoid people. That last one isn’t a new thing for me, though. I never much liked people before and now that I’m in college, I’m finding that it’s for good reason. People knock on my door, play their music loudly in public, and ask me invasive questions that I pretend I don’t hear. I shut it … it out because I need to stay on this new path. Then I saw her and…

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Madeleine has a secret. Five months ago, she met an irresistible man and made a very dumb mistake. She knows that a random hookup won’t want to be saddled with a baby and she’s way too vulnerable in this state to be rejected. Keeping a baby from the daddy might seem wrong, but it’s the best way to protect herself and her child for now. Oliver wants answers. Five months ago, he met the woman of … woman of his dreams, took her up to his hotel room, made love to her until they both passed out only to wake…

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When money is tight and your family relies on you, the rules don’t apply. For Brad, hacking is not only a way of life but it puts food on his table and sends his brilliant sister to a private school. Nighttime, secret fights funds the gaps like special tennis shoes or expensive school uniforms. His work doesn’t leave much time for average activities like school and dating. Ordinarily, a rich, … privileged girl needing tutoring would only piss him off. But Melody is no ordinary girl. She’s gorgeous, funny, and every particle of Brad’s body wants her. There’s no law…

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Oh! Snowy night the stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of the lumberjack’s big fallLong lay his heart in eternal slumberTill she appeared and his soul felt enthralledA thrill of hope the romance world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious taleSwipe open your Kindles And read the latest story Of the slight surly ConnAnd of Faith who brought new hope

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It only took one look from the unusual gaze of Violet Collins to snare Victor Sokolov. Unfortunately for the burly Russian security specialist, Violet doesn’t share the same instant attraction. She’s wary of attachments ever since her family exiled her a beach resort. While she doesn’t mind allowing him into her bed, her heart is off limits. Victor wants more than physical submission, he wants … he wants her love, and what Victor wants, Victor gets. He’ll fight to have Violet even if it means going up against her family because he needs to have her sweet kisses forever.more

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When the coffee shop owned by Bailey Blakely’s found family is threatened by a new corporate coffee house, Bailey immediately makes her protest signs and starts marching in front of the building. She charms the construction workers, the project manager, and, without knowing, the owner of the franchise—Jackson “Jax” Roberts. Jax is so successful in his coffee kingdom that he’s bored. He’s … He’s assembled a team of professionals that scout new locations, train new owners, and launch new ventures. He doesn’t have to do a thing. Then one day he gets a call that there’s a problem with one…

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As the head of customer relations for a luxury resort, Selena Smooth’s job is to make sure everyone’s vacation is completed without a hitch. That means finding the right toy for a crying baby or delivering flowers on a wedding anniversary or booking the hard-to-get reservations. She’s so good at her job that everyone calls her Smooth. There’s not a problem she can’t solve–that is until Andrew … Lennox,the new owner, storms into town.As the head of Lennox Luxury Living, it’s Andrew’s job to make sure that every resort is running perfectly which means a hands-on inspection of his latest…

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Luna has a knack of always ending up in over her head. From the clown school fiasco to the near torching of her sister’s restaurant, Luna’s work history has been a string of bad luck. She’s back on her feet with a new private investigator job which only requires her to look up credit reports and take the occasional photo. What could possibly go wrong? Answer: Falling for the man you’re hired to … hired to investigate.Maddox Castile knows he’s being stalked but after he gets a good look at the spy, he’s thrilled. He opens his curtains, takes long…

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