Author: dlcross

The aliens have landed. The humans are panicking. The scouts have been sent. J’s mission is clear — find an alien outpost, observe, report back. Simple enough. It’s what he’s trained to do. But he’s always worked with his team, never as a party of one. Now he’s been sent out alone to blindly navigate a dense, dark forest until he finds his target. The dynamics are foreign to him, the stakes never … him, the stakes never higher. Resources are scarce. Comms are down. And he’s found the enemy. J is shocked when everyone’s true allegiances are revealed. And…

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He lost his job. He lost his girl. Now it’s all he can do not to lose his life.Landon Thorne is a disgraced archaeologist, a laughing stock in his field because of his unconventional beliefs – he’s an ancient astronaut theorist. No one takes him seriously.Until an alien armada targets Earth.Now Landon’s in high demand – by the US government and someone far more sinister.They race across two … sinister.They race across two continents to the Gate of the Gods, the one place on Earth that might give humans an advantage over the aliens. But no one is prepared for…

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