Author: demetrageorgiou

Zac was too proud to realise that he lost a piece of himself when he walked out of Diane. But now he’s back and wants nothing more than to have her in his arms again. Revenge plots be damned. Diane has to do whatever she can to protect herself, but her heart won’t let her walk away from Zac. For her, he’s worth one more chance… until she discovers just how deep his betrayal goes.Can they overcome … goes.Can they overcome the overwhelming obstacles that stand in their way or is this a couple destined to live apart?Only time will…

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Can love survive amidst lies, schemes and subterfuge? Zac, a man accustomed to getting what he wants, seeks retribution on behalf of the only father figure he’s known, even though no one asked him to.“I still can’t believe how an ethereal being like Diane can be a plotting bitch. Why the old man held her in such a high regard, is beyond me. She is ungrateful and someone needs to teach her a thing … to teach her a thing or two. And I have the only right to do so.” Evidence and reports condemn the woman he purposefully set…

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