Author: deliciousdavid

Having overcome the High Commission’s assault force by a hair’s breadth, Luke and Becca must now fulfil the prophecy and build their kingdom. To do this, Luke believes they must first find Tyrone, the traitor, who aided the destruction of the Kingdom of Vampires. But no one has seen any Vampires in a hundred years. And the High Commission, sensing an uprising, has positioned armed soldiers at all … all entry points into Transylvania. Will Lukai and Becca find the Vampire clan? Or will they get mowed down by the High Commission before they get the chance?more

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The last remaining survivor of a rare vampire hunter clan, Becca, unknowing to her, is set to soon be the soulmate of a millennium-old vampire, Luke. The coming and binding of the strings of their fate and the fiery passion they wield, is soon to be tested by the cold claws of the symmetry of life and death situations. After a millennium of being hunted down by the vampire hunters and living … vampire hunters and living his undead life without a mate, with the coming of a new millennium as the prophecy proclaims, his soulmate will come from a…

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