Author: deborahheal

Book 1 in the “History Mystery” Series Abby Thomas is spending the summer in a run-down old house with a bratty pre-teen named Merrideth she is supposed to tutor. Not a dream job. But it does come with perks. There’s John Roberts, a devastatingly attractive neighbor who is almost too wonderful to be real. And there’s the new computer program Beautiful Houses—also too amazing to be real. No … too amazing to be real. No one knows how it works, but with it she can rewind and fast-forward the lives of all the people who ever lived in the house,…

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Every Hill and Mountain book 3 An old house + A new computer program = The travel opportunity of a lifetime—to another century. The People Since Beautiful Houses worked so well for the Old Dears’ family tree project, her college roommate Kate hopes the computer program will help her find out more about her ancestor Ned Greenfield. Abby and John reluctantly agree to help Kate, but only on … John reluctantly agree to help Kate, but only on the condition that she and her fiancé Ryan promise to keep the program a secret, because if the government ever discovered they…

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Unclaimed Legacy book 2 An old house + A new computer program = The travel opportunity of a lifetime—to another century. The People Abby Thomas’ 11-year-old student Merri is finally warming up to her. Her friendship with John Roberts is also heating up. He’s definitely marriage material. Except for the fact that when she tells him about Beautiful Houses he thinks she’s crazy. Because a … Houses he thinks she’s crazy. Because a computer program that allows you to rewind and fast forward the lives of people from long ago is surely pure fantasy. Then John sees for himself that…

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