Author: craigalanson

We were fighting on the wrong side, of a war we couldn’t win. And that was the good news.The Ruhar hit us on Columbus Day. There we were, innocently drifting along the cosmos on our little blue marble, like the native Americans in 1492. Over the horizon come ships of a technologically advanced, aggressive culture, and BAM! There go the good old days, when humans only got killed by each other. So, … other. So, Columbus Day. It fits.When the morning sky twinkled again, this time with Kristang starships jumping in to hammer the Ruhar, we thought we were saved.…

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The sequel to ‘Columbus Day’. Colonel Joe Bishop made a promise and he’s going to keep it; taking the captured alien starship Flying Dutchman back out. He doesn’t agree when the UN decides to send almost 70 elite Special Operations troops, hotshot pilots and scientists with him; the mission is a fool’s errand he doesn’t expect to ever return. At least, this time, the Earth is safe, right?Not so … right?Not so much.more

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