Author: chrisfox

Have you written a book that just isn’t selling? Would you like the launch of your next one to be different?Launch to Market provides a simple system to plan, track, and execute your book launch. It covers the basics of marketing in an easy to understand way, complete with exercises that will prepare you for your best launch ever.You’ll see real sales numbers from an author who just did exactly … just did exactly what you’re trying to do, with take aways that will show you exactly how I did it.Don’t leave the success of your novel up to chance.…

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Sell Books the Smart WayFive years ago releasing a book as an indie author meant uploading it, then begging everyone you knew to buy it. That method simply doesn’t work anymore. Fortunately, there’s a better way.Amazon has spent billions of dollars over the last decade building the world’s best sales engine. They use machine learning to sell massive piles of books, and that engine is just waiting … that engine is just waiting for you to tap into it. This is the book that will teach you how. Ready to become a six figure author? You’ll learn:- Why a sale…

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Many authors write, then market. Successful authors write TO marketHave you written a book that just isn’t selling? Would you like to write a book that readers eagerly devour?Many authors write, then market. Successful authors write TO market. They start by figuring out how to give readers what they want, and that process begins before writing word one of your novel.This book will teach you to … novel.This book will teach you to analyze your favorite genre to discover what readers are buying, to mine reviews for reader expectations, and to nail the tropes your readers subconsciously crave.Don’t leave the…

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Learn to Plot without sacrificing CreativityWhat separates great novels from mediocre ones? Story. Authors that master this vital skill keep their readers up at night, and suffer the deluge of ‘when is the next book coming out’ emails. Whether you are a first time novelist, or a seasoned author, Plot Gardening will teach you the fundamentals of storytelling, delivered in a practical way. Through … a practical way. Through exercises at the end of each chapter you will build your own outline, and you’ll do it without sacrificing the creativity that is so vital to telling great stories.In this book…

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Includes a free spreadsheet to help you track and improve Words Per Hour. 5,000 Words Per Hour also has a companion app available for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch! The fastest way to succeed as an author is to write more books. How do you do that with a day job, family, school or all your other time commitments? The secret is efficiency. 5K WPH will help you maximize your writing time by … your writing time by building effective habits that both measure and increase your writing speed. – Create an effective writing habit – Track and improve your…

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