Author: charlotteehart

Lies, deceit and manipulation.A game Alexander White knows only too well, but never has he been on the receiving end with such devastating results. Thankfully he knows it all now because she’s shown her true colours and he won’t be fooled by them again. No matter how perfect she may have been, or how close to love he may have come, Elizabeth Scott and her treachery are now nothing more than yet … than yet another move in the chessboard of life.His business, as always, is more important than his worthless emotions and the storm brewing needs attending to. So…

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Alexander White, the wealthy business man with looks to die for. Just like the other colours you’d think…….but no.He came from a very different place and made some of his money a very different way.And he keeps it well hidden because the truth would destroy everything he has. All that he’s worked for would be gone in an instant if they ever found out what he’s capable of, or what he really … he really did and who he did it for. So he keeps people far away with metaphorical games and walls to deceive and confuse.He doesn’t do relationships,…

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