Author: charlespuccia

Detour Man is book 4 in the Vinnie Briggs Mystery Series. 392pp.“His calloused hands scratched at her back. She knew this changed everything for her and him. Their worlds no longer black and white but bursting with color. If she had a drawing of this moment, she’d pin it to the refrigerator door forever.”Twenty-six-year-old bodybuilder Gunter Hoffman sports enormous muscles to keep at bay … Gunter Hoffman sports enormous muscles to keep at bay nightmares of his childhood nemesis, a menacing homeless guy with PTSD known as Detour Man. But even with a body that’s six feet in all directions,…

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A high school teacher is not your typical murder victim, and more than one suggests a connection that P.I. Vinnie Briggs intends to make. This could be a dangerous undertaking so Vinnie hires Rita Light, a fitness fanatic and martial arts champion, for protection.  But Rita is seeking an unconventional kind of partnership. While Vinnie searches for clues in data, she looks to the bedroom. … bedroom. Between them they stumble across evidence that suggests vengeance motivates the killer and he’s not done. Finding who has the strongest motive could solve the case and possibly save lives… This is an…

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