Author: catecwells

We’re from two different worlds, but in her arms, I’m home.PlumLife didn’t give me a silver spoon. It gave me tetanus. When Adam Wade walks into my club, I know I’m in trouble. His money I can handle. But sweet words, gentle hands? I don’t know what to do with that. Eventually, he’s gonna wise up and walk away. If I let him in, what’ll be left of me when he goes?AdamI’m the adopted son of the man … goes?AdamI’m the adopted son of the man who owns the city. I was born into nothing, and I’ve earned my seat…

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He did ten years for me. Now he’s free. This is supposed to be happy ever after, so why does it feel like disaster?CristaScrap Allenbach is a living legend to the Steel Bones MC. A vigilante hero. Ten years ago, he gave up his freedom for me. I never asked him to. Now he’s back, with some idea about how it’s gonna be. He’s wrong. Things are different now. I’m not the same girl he knew. After … the same girl he knew. After what happened, I’ll never be that person again. Not with the baggage I carry and the…

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He can’t stop watching. I’m tired of waiting. Which one of us is gonna break first?StoryI’ve been in love with Nickel Kobald since I was fifteen. I know what he is–a biker with almost a decade on me and one hell of an anger management problem–but to me? He’s the one. Night after night, though, I’m dancing up on the stage alone. How much longer is he just gonna watch from the shadows? And how … watch from the shadows? And how much longer can my heart stand to wait?NickelI’ve turned down Story Jenkins a hundred times. She’s a happy…

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I can’t even imagine what I’d do with a man like him. He wants no part of a girl like me. So how come he can’t stay away, and I can’t stop thinking what if?KaylaLife isn’t easy. Single mom, minimum wage, family drama. You know the story. I’ve come a long way in a short time, though, and it’s all worth it. For Jimmy. My grumpy little boy.Then a hot biker drops into our lives, tempting me into … drops into our lives, tempting me into wanting more. I want to go for it, but how can I trust myself…

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