Author: calebborne

Leaning against the white board fences in the rolling bluegrass of central Kentucky is a man who has come to America to find his dreams.Michael Quinn—tall, muscled and enough wit and blarney to win over the strictest female disciplined himself with an iron fist.He had come to the land that reminded him of home—the green hills of Ireland.There he would find his love and fight for her against the … fight for her against the worst the world had to throw against him.He had set his sights on her and her name was Kathleen O’Hara, the virgin favored daughter of…

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She doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to claim her, no matter what it takes. I don’t care about the cost or consequence – she will be mine.Natalie… The only woman who makes me stop and think. My only obsession.Ever since she walked into my life,My world has been upside down. I’m one of the most powerful men in the city. But she controls my heart. My wealth is worthless if I don’t have her in my … My wealth is worthless if I don’t have her in my arms. Especially now that she’s in danger and desperately needs…

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I want them both, but they say I have to choose. I didn’t set out to date two sexy billionaires, but when an opportunity like that falls in your lap, who could say no? Noah is charming and seductive. Joel is sweet and ruggedly handsome.And me? I’m just a virgin with a hell of a choice to make. Both of these men dominate my dirtiest fantasies and it’s not long before one of them takes my innocence … of them takes my innocence in a night of passion. Just when I think I know what I want, my new relationship…

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He’s in control, not me. Yet, I’m willing to submit.He’s claiming me. I know it and want it. In fact, I demand it.Richard’s my best friend’s brother, and totally off limits.He’s under the control of his family’s ambitiously demanding patriarch but longs for independence.His own father thwarts his every move.He needs a woman to help him overtake his father’s inheritance.That’s where I come in… as … inheritance.That’s where I come in… as his fake wife.He asks me to pretend to be married to him, make it appear like we’re a loving couple.Not a difficult ask when I catch a glimpse…

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