Author: blmute

I’m Sonni, but I’ve been called many other names. Reject. Problematic. Orphan. Murderer.I didn’t have a plan, never had the luxury. So, when my case worker moved me to Harper Valley Safe Haven as a last resort, I knew I’d leave. I had to. Small towns aren’t for people trying to stay hidden, trying to escape the system and start a new life.But Six had other plans. I shouldn’t have agreed to help … help him. I should have ran the moment I saw those eyes, but he claims to know things, stuff no one else would know. My real…

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The planet Jupiter has 79 known moons. 79… that’s complete chaos within an atmosphere. But, I have moons too. Moons that cause so much more than chaos. My moons each have a different name. Sadness, anger, grief, addiction, and each one is in a constant orbit around me. You see, my moons didn’t show up until I was 18. Before them, I was happy. I had great friends, a loving father and a boy with … father and a boy with the most perfect green eyes who loved me. I couldn’t have asked for anything more, but then tragedy struck…

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