Author: bethworsdell

We are bad-ass human survivors, working with very powerful ancient angels, who came to save us. They have been healing Earth and they have activated magical ancient ruins, we didn’t even know existed on our planet. We had know idea that Stonehenge and the Gate of the Gods were so magical and that our planet had star passages to other worlds. We have already been through hell. First, our planet … our planet began to die and we lost people we loved. Then, after the angles arrived we discovered fallen angels, who had been corrupted by the Marilians. Now we…

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We should have known someone or something, would step in and save our planet. Who could blame anyone, for trying to save the planet we’d been steadily destroying for centuries! Let’s face it, we couldn’t possibly be the only inhabitants of a planet in the whole universe.When Mel wakes in a hospital type environment, she doesn’t know where she is or who she is. It’s a total shock for her, to not … her, to not only discover that angels are real, but that she and the other human survivors will be helping the alien angels, to not only save…

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