Author: bellescarlett

One Night With the Alpha King (Fantasy/OtherWorld) by Belle ScarlettWhen the Star Seekers of Searth crashed on a primitive planet generations ago, the castaways formed a new civilization with strict laws in order to survive. When a member of the elite diplomat caste, Senator Anya Fortune, snubs the barbarian Alpha King Shade’s wedding offer, His Royal Highness wonders what he’ll have to do to get … to do to get the woman to notice him. Use the one, hot night he’s given by law to change her mind, naturally. Let the game of hearts begin. Winner take all… Also an…

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What if the Big Bad Wolf, was the good guy?Once upon a moonlit night in the Enchanted Forest, where cursed beings are consigned until the spells that bind them are broken… it means giving the nosey pixies fluttering outside his cottage window an eyeful. Otherwise, a wolf shapeshifter he’ll stay, damned to remain in the lonely Enchanted Forest forever. But while he can arouse her virginal body to fever pitch, he quickly learns that his spirited, saucy Lily has a mind and will of her own. And the daylight is fading fast. Meanwhile, the one who cursed Marrok lurks in…

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Four magical romances from Belle Scarlett’s magic quill.Alien Seductions: How the Alien Stole ChristmasOn board a deep space station Capt. Christmas Trent learns her sexy cyber lover, who may not be human, wants to steal her for his own.“Our heroine is a willing submissive engaged in cybersex with an alien. Beautiful imagery, fascinating premise. I’ve always wondered why there isn’t more good … there isn’t more good science fiction romance. This story is good.” ~ Lizabeth S. Tucker, GeneflectionsExcerpt: Timeless Lovers: ValentimeValerie buys a South Carolina plantation and discovers a Valentine addressed to her from a previous owner who…

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