Author: baileyb

Logan She’s beautiful. Fierce. Nothing at all like the girl I used to know, which is absolutely terrifying because Danika Winters is the only person outside of that room who knows the truth. She could ruin me, and I’m not talking about my reputation. I couldn’t give two shits about what the kids at St. A’s think. I’m talking major, life altering, jail time ruined.I’ll do whatever it takes to keep … keep her quiet. Even if it means destroying the only person I’ve ever cared about. Danika They say when you meet the person you’re supposed to be with,…

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PiperMost people don’t think about the day they’ll die. They coast through life, blissfully unaware of how their time is ticking away. I wasn’t like most people. I welcomed death, wanted her to take me away from the prison I called life, but she refused. I tried twice only to survive. And then, when I thought I had nothing left it came. A reason to live. Rex was a small, unexpected ray of light … small, unexpected ray of light my world of darkness that blossomed into a beam of sunshine. I thought, maybe this was why Death didn’t take…

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