Author: avaharrison

Amazon Top 100 BestsellerThe nightmares find me.They steal my breath, slowly suffocating me.I’m scared.I want it to stop.He’s supposed to help me.Instead, he evokes something forbidden.I know I should run.But I can’t.I’ve made my choice.I want him.There’s only one problem…He’s my therapist.

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One phone call changed me. Three simple words and I was shattered. Damaged. Broken. Alone. So I started over. And my journey of rediscovery led me straight into his arms. Chase Porter. The stranger who showed me life from a different perspective. But we both had secrets… His would destroy my world.Top 100 Amazon Bestseller 

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I’m a blogger. He’s a writer. He was my weakness. I was his muse. Once upon a time my marriage was built on love… Until it wasn’t. Where had we gone wrong? I had given up hope… But then he messaged me, And his words intoxicated me. Made me believe in love again. Made me believe in truth. My imperfect truth…

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