Author: austinbates

I’ve never been so humiliated in my life. My twin brother is the definition of a lost soul. And it bothers me, sure… but I didn’t even know he was out of jail until a steamy older bounty hunter showed up at my workplace, looking for him. And tackled me to the ground in his place. Now I’m out of a job and gunning for my brother, and there’s only one person I know who can help me find him – the … help me find him – the bounty hunter who got me in this situation to start with.…

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He’s home to recover, not fall for a younger man … He can see the cracks in Blaze’s armor, and he wants to squeeze his way in, but the ex-soldier has more defenses than a military base. Until an ill-timed heat changes everything …Blaze’s demons are a tangled mess he may never fully recover from. Can he really expect an omega who could have anyone to settle for him? Or is the only way to protect Logan to let him go?more

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I can’t love him. It’s not allowed.Twenty years ago, I made a promise. If anything ever happened to Marc – my best friend – I’d step up and take care of his wife and baby son. I never thought I’d have to honor it. Never even dreamed that something would happen to him. He was an unyielding presence in my life. Always solid. Always there. And now he’s dead. Murdered in cold blood. His wife, Lindy, … Murdered in cold blood. His wife, Lindy, is holding in there. But his son, Mason, isn’t coping very well at all. It’s gotten…

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“He broke my heart…and I still haven’t gotten over it.”The youngest in a large family, omega Andre always thought he’d be settled down and having children by now. It was going to be perfect – him and Jude and their brood, their own happy ever after. But Jude left… and Andre has never quite been able to move on from him. When Andre’s brother Sunny needs a manny to care for his son Haydon, Andre … son Haydon, Andre believes that being the best uncle in the world is the closest he’s going to come to his own child for…

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“Small towns aren’t for me. It’s a nice change of pace, but I’m going to help out Dale and then get out – back to the city.”Ronan loves his life in the big city – but he needs a break, and when his good friend Dale asks for some help in getting his small-town animal hospital running more efficiently, he sees it as the perfect chance. A little R&R while still feeling like he’s doing meaningful … he’s doing meaningful work – can’t get better than that. “Who does he think he is, coming in here and ‘showing us how…

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You never forget your first love… Damien. Seeing his old best friend awakens feelings he had sought to forget, or at least they were best friends… until Damien had confessed his love a decade ago.Damien can scarcely bear to see Tommy, but the attraction is too intense, and he can’t seem to stay away. A single steamy night between the two becomes a standing appointment. Damien finds himself torn between the pain of the past and the hope for a future, and when Tommy ends up pregnant, the two can no longer pretend to ignore the deep resentments that exist…

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