Author: athenastormandtarastarr

It’s the end of my world as I know it. But with Redak…I feel fine.In fact, I feel more than fine.This isn’t how it’s supposed to be.He’s the alien.His people invaded and conquered my planet.They caused my world to burn in fire.I should hate him. But instead I love him.I’m not stupid. I know he’s a killer.I know that I also most likely fear him.After all, this alien warrior tracked me.He followed … fear him.After all, this alien warrior tracked me.He followed me. Hunted me.He made me into prey.But invaders can also be liberators.Conquerors can be saviors.Villains can find themselves…

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War brought us together.Violence drew us close.And it will be hate that makes us fall in love.Rokav is brutal.A silver-skinned soldier chiseled from stone.8 feet tall and over 400 pounds of muscle.My life was given to him as a gift.My planet is under attack.We thought the humans would come to liberate us.We thought they’d free us from the Kraaj.After all, we’re human too.And theKraaj are our … Kraaj.After all, we’re human too.And theKraaj are our brutal oppressors.But they came to kill us instead.And now our captors are our only hope.Who do you turn to in a world gone mad?When everyone…

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He’s a murderer… A monster… up was the only way. But she had so much to live for, I couldn’t let her do it. Not as the older sister. So I stepped in. And Kator claimed me in her stead. It’s a different world I’m in now. Gone are the refugee camps I lived in. The squalor of the defeated.I’m in a world of warriors. I’m surrounded by luxury tinged with death. Pleasure masked by fear. Strength mixed with savagery.Nowadays I have a new role. Each night, I get my makeover.Put on the dress he bought me. And then tend…

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Mercy is nonexistent. All he knows is torture. First they bombed and blasted all our cities. Then they enslaved us. Put us into camps. Had their way with us. To defy them was to die. Now I have a new master. Pain is his profession. That’s why the Kraaj send him to our planet. They call him Black Hand. But its his heart that’s truly dark. But you know what?When I look into those cold, merciless … truly dark. But you know what?When I look into those cold, merciless eyes. You know what I see?When his hands touch me.Because he…

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Escape is impossible. And now I’m relying on a monster for mercy.I can see how he eyes me. He owns me. He can do whatever he wants. His will is law.This world is wrecked. Society has collapsed. The Kraaj control everything. They can do what they want. Take what they want.They command. And we are theirs to claim. If we don’t obey, we die. How do you find love in the middle of a war?Maybe you do, … obey, we die. How do you find love in the middle of a war?Maybe you do, somehow. But I guarantee you, it’ll…

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First, I’m sold at the auction. But now, I want to be conquered.Raxtar is delivering me to the monster who bought me.He’s a Kraaj and his people have ruined our world.He’s brutal and untamed.I shouldn’t trust him. I should run.But he keeps me safe.Makes me want to stay.Makes me want him.I fought to protect my body. But I lost the war for my heart.He’s everything that I hate.Everything I’m against. war for my heart.He’s everything that I hate.Everything I’m against.His kind crushes humans for fun.But the only time I ever feel anything is when I’m with him.Why do I keep…

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I invaded her home.Then I saw her.So I conquered both.The Kraaj have no mercy. We kill all in our way. If the humans stood up to us with anything resembling a backbone, we’d mow them down instead of pen them in cages.One woman does. Her name is Janna and she’s a pretty little thing. She tries to stand up for her kind, and so I just take her for myself.I’ll claim her.Train her.Turn her into my … her.Train her.Turn her into my property.But she’s feisty and filled with fire.If I succeed, this human woman will be a perfect companion and…

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