Author: ashleylane

Haunted (adjective)Preoccupied with an emotion, memory, or idea; obsessed.It’s what happens to a man that loses his entire family. The first years that followed their demise were the worst. Determined to inflict even a fraction of my pain onto those responsible,I paid them back the same way they paid me. I was content to live out my days knowing justice was dealt at my hands. Consumed with rage.… was dealt at my hands. Consumed with rage.Obsessed with revenge.Haunted by regret.Years later, I take in two boys and suddenly it’s no longer only about me. That’s where she comes in. A…

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PatchThe smallest caskets weigh the most.I lost myself the day I buried my daughter.Her death was only the beginning of my downfall.I will not play God.As a doctor, the oath I took bound me.As a father, only blood could set me free.Pain is my prison.With guilt my only companion,I bought myself a life, Silenced by Sin.AlaskaYou are not defined by your mistakes.I refuse to regret the choices I’ve … Silenced by Sin.AlaskaYou are not defined by your mistakes.I refuse to regret the choices I’ve made.I embrace them.I will bow to no one.Fear does not make me weak.In the face of…

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Blinded by anger, the man who had sworn to protect me, shot me in a fit of rage when I was only sixteen years old. He thought he killed me. But my job wasn’t finished yet. My days are spent as President of the Heaven’s Guardians MC. Nights are spent searching for the scum of the earth. Rapists, Murderers, Pedophiles. They all answer to me. I thought I’d seen it all. Thought my heart couldn’t be … thought I’d seen it all. Thought my heart couldn’t be any darker. Thought I knew exactly how far I was willing to go. Then a battered and broken woman was found behind our clubhouse, and I…

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