Author: ashewinters

Trapped in the mountains by a massive snow storm is bad enough. It can’t possibly get any worse, can it? But oh, yes. Yes it can. I’m comfortable with my calm, organized, and simple life. I enjoy my job as a date-for-hire with Valentine’s Inc. until the newest edition to the company throws my life into utter chaos. Spencer is a hurricane I never wanted to experience. And now I’m trapped alone … And now I’m trapped alone with him in our bosses’ mountain cabin by a surprise snow storm with only a small generator and our own bodies to…

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AveryDid I fall down some kind of rabbit hole into crazy town? People I thought were long dead start popping out of the grave all over the place. I want off this ride and back to my regularly scheduled life. Unfortunately, it looks like I’m stuck with Ryker because of his weird powers and whatever he did to me. I guess if I had to be tethered to a human, Ryker is okay. Not that I like him or … Not that I like him or anything. I’m just not sure about his idea to hunt down the psychopath that…

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A happy ever after is not in the cards for me. But a short fling aboard a ship crossing the Atlantic might just be exactly what I need. When my friends suggest I take a much-needed vacation on their Valentine’s Inc. hosted cruise, I leap at the chance. I don’t have a lot of expectations for this matchmaking singles cruise—I’m certainly not looking for a future Mr. Chase Kelton. What I’m not … Kelton. What I’m not prepared for is walking into my assigned suite to find a man passed out on the first day. I recognized the shy barista…

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AveryHuman beings are nothing but lowly trash. Fit only for consumption. That’s my motto in life and why I avoid everything to do with them beyond an evening meal. Then he shows up with his delicious scent, and I can’t seem to resist hunting him down. But when my hunt gets interrupted by a spray of bullets and I become the prey, I find myself falling into some strange rabbit hole where I have to … I have to rely on this incredible smelling human with strange powers to stay alive. How freakin’ peachy is that?RykerBeing left on the doorstep…

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