Author: aprilmcgowan

Shannon is out to save the world one caring act at a time. She’s stood by her best friend, Amber, through their whole lives especially when Amber lost her sight. She has an active outreach ministry to the homeless and disenfranchised. And she’s even let down her guard long enough to let a boyfriend, Justin, into her life.Her life has settled into a pleasing routine of teaching, freelance … freelance photography work, quiet dinners with Justin, and taking Amber on treks to find new subjects for her visionary paintings.But when a man from her past shows up, her secure world…

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To an artist, the light is everything. So what is Amber supposed to do when facing blindness?Amber spent her life adapting—first to being abandoned by her birth mother as a toddler, and then to the death of her adoptive father in her teen years. Now she’s moved past all that, loving life as an independent woman: she has a job as an art instructor and the perfect apartment. But when a routine eye … apartment. But when a routine eye appointment reveals she’s losing her sight, life comes to a halt. Pressures come at her from all sides. Her mother,…

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