Author: anndenton

No one wants to be sent to Academie Metamorphose, the magical academy for delinquents.No one but me.I’ve purposely gotten kicked out of three prestigious academies. It’s taken two and a half years.Finally, I’m about to get put into their reform program.And I’m thrilled.Not about the shit classes at this boarding school. Definitely not about the intense physical regimen.I’m excited because this … intense physical regimen.I’m excited because this academy is the perfect recruiting grounds for what I need: a force, a detonator, and a tock with loose morals and an affinity for breaking the rules.I need a powerful, heartless crew,…

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I messed up my Christmas miracle.That’s a big no-no for an angel. My boss shrunk my wings as a consequence. But did he have to make them so small? They’re the size of baby cupid wings for cloud’s sake!That’s why I’ve been hiding out on earth, in the small town of Silver Springs-feeding my shoe obsession and trying to understand humans so I can magic up a winning miracle this year.But humans are … are impossible to understand. They wear shoes that hurt their feet. They want you to smile at strangers but not too wide or you look crazy.…

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Want to kill my sister? You’ll have to go through me first.I will stop you. Even if it means I have to go back to the palace. Even if it means I have to take back the crown I left behind. Even if it means I have to face the four men I left at the altar. I will take on them and their anger. I will take on anything to save Avia.Because the kingdom needs her.The kingdom needs a good queen.Not a … kingdom needs a good queen.Not a cursed one. Not me.If I can’t save her, then the…

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