Author: amandamilo

My alien keeper rescued me from a man I should have been able to trust: my father.Raised by an alien, I never really learned how to interact with human people.And that’s fine. I’m happy just as I am. I never feel like I’m missing out on anything….So I don’t understand why this new human, Lee, affects me so strangely.Then again, he did just admit that he’s been hunting me.If he hurts me, and … me.If he hurts me, and Keeper finds out–he’s a dead man.Ask me how I know.Note: Trigger warnings for this story. This is a Standalone 35K Short…

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The last man in our tribe told me that dragons are small and fierce, and when they bond to someone, they’ll protect them with their life.This is what our tribe needs–a protector. Our males are being stolen by raiding clans, and with the man-shortage like it is, we can’t afford to lose any more. Armed with a fishhook and a glaring naiveté, I set off to catch my dragon.I catch him alright.And I … alright.And I find out a few things.One: dragons aren’t small.Two: dragons don’t like fishhooks.Three: this dragon will only bond to his mate.So I guess the question…

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My people collected–(Captured.)–all the bi-pedal inhabitants of a small blue planet in a galaxy that was quite a journey from our own star system.Tender-skinned and intelligent, these new aliens make interesting pets. Fascinating, actually. And when the rest of the universe realizes this, everybody wants to own one.Therefore, we need these new aliens to breed.It’s my job to assist the aliens in … to assist the aliens in reproducing… by whatever means I deem necessary.**Note: this is a 20K Short Story Gothic Horror-ish/Science Fiction Romance. This is a deviation from my other stories, i.e., pretty absent of humor. Honestly, it’s…

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Hi. I’m Gwen. I’m a single mom to two growing boys—and now I’m the brand new owner of an alien whose greatest wish in life is to become a live-in nanny.It’s been kind of a weird day.I wholeheartedly recommend adding an alien to your household though. He cooks, he cleans—and the kids love him. But three things you should know if you’re going to keep a seven-foot-tall alien in your basement?You … basement?You might want to invest in flameproof cookware.He will think of you as his planet’s equivalent of a princess.And my alien is totally stealing my underwear.This is a…

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One OCD neat freak alien.One human woman.Both are abducted and held captive in a very unsterile environment.What more could go wrong?~Simmi: I’ve broken free and I’ve also freed the human who was held captive with me. But I don’t know where we are, and I don’t know where my home is. The local wildlife may be smaller than I am, and maybe they don’t have fangs near as large as mine, but I’m still … near as large as mine, but I’m still terrified. My issues with germs–and my uncompromising avoidance of all the things that I’m afraid of coming…

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They say that in space, no one can hear you…(Yeah, you know what I’m quoting.)But there are lots of places you can still scream and be heard. Especially if you suddenly find yourself on a ship traveling through space.I’ve been abducted by aliens and auctioned to an alien pirate.My epic love of movies sort of comes in handy, what with all the sci-fi suddenly in my face. Therefore, I don’t … Therefore, I don’t completely lose my mind when my new owner takes me to his ship where I learn I’m under the control of not one, but five space…

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I was gifted as a slave-bride to an alien giant.That’s the start of my day. At least I have my guide dog, Kota, with me. I’d be lost without her… literally.Yes. I’m blind.And our new alien owner is kind enough that he’s not holding me to the wife or slave deal even though that’s what I was intended for. We’ve basically been dropped into a scene from Little House on the Alien Prairie, complete … Prairie, complete with his one-room cabin, and he’s been the perfect gentleman. He’s pretty great, and I’m actually starting to wish I could take him…

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I was abducted by aliens and auctioned to a positively lovely bleak place called the Underwater Pleasure Dome. An amphibious alien with hands like bug zappers helped spring me, and if you’ve followed my friends’ adventures, you know Dohrein and I teamed up because we’re both equally stellar, and awesome attracts awesome.This is the story of what happened after abduction life.The good part.The … life.The good part.The part where we settle in and build brand new lives on this brand new planet.I just need to have tea with my Alien-in-law and convince her to set her pet humans free.No biggie.Wish…

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I was abducted by aliens.The aliens that I’ve been auctioned to don’t speak my language, and I definitely can’t speak theirs. I didn’t expect to get married by accident to the sweet one.I didn’t expect to have a grumpy alien bond to me, and go a little crazy if other males get near me, or if I try to leave.It doesn’t matter if they’ve won my heart.I can’t stay.Somehow, I have to explain that I … I have to explain that I NEED to go home. Because the bad aliens that abducted me?They took me from my babies.*Note: For those…

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