Author: allensteadham

Jordan Lewis and her mother have been abducted and marooned on an alien world.Taken in by a friendly tribe of natives, Jordan tries her best to adapt to living on this strange planet called Algoran. Jordan becomes a respectable huntress, but she still longs for the life she once knew on Earth. When she learns the beings who took her may be on the other side of Algoran, she sets out for answers. … side of Algoran, she sets out for answers. Joined by three of her fellow hunters, Jordan crosses dangerous terrain, facing perilous creatures and people.Will Jordan risk…

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“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.”Leia Hamilton can move things and set them on fire with her mind.Leia’s father and step-mother tried to hide their past: a time when they were part of a team of superheroes. But despite being disbanded for over twenty years following a series of tragedies, their problems were passed to their children and Leia finds that her future … children and Leia finds that her future collides with their past.In the diverse world of human and superhuman, heroes and villains, friends and enemies, some of Leia’s choices have terrible…

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