Author: aemurphy

Imogen Hardy hit the dirt hard and often when in the presence of Kane Jessop, not because she was so besotted with him and clumsy that she fell at his feet, but because he put her there. Usually with a hard shove or a swift swipe of her ankles.He was a vicious and unruly child; then a boy, now a man. He is in every bad memory Immy has ever had. He consumes her thoughts, her nightmares and … reluctantly, her dreams; even now, years after she fled.She hoped she could stay gone, but life hands out jokers sometimes disguised…

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Rose Sinclair counts through life in sixes. It’s how she gets by when she’s not in the company of her best friend and Tourette’s sufferer, Laurie, or focusing on her busy work schedule as the personal assistant and office manager for the extremely attractive and extremely married, Ezra Conti.Everything has a place and Rose likes it that way. It must be that way.But even her quirks aren’t enough … aren’t enough to keep her in her lane and away from temptation. No matter how hard she tries to fight a detour in her life’s perfect navigation system.She doesn’t like-like her…

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TempestHe’s rude, mean, and looks at me like he hates me. And I’ve only just stepped into his house. Spending a year of travelling through impoverished places, trying to help people, should make handling Sargent Wolf—yes that’s his name—a piece of cake. But even Maddox can’t deny that his father is an absolute douche. I’m only here for six months maximum before I get my arse back on the road. … back on the road. I’ll just have to stay out of his way, and never suggest that he let me draw him naked. No matter how badly I want…

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