Author: aclaireeverward

A chance encounter becomes a way out. But at what price?Data expert Tess Andrews thought she was finally safe. All she wanted was to stay where she was, keep the job that she liked and the only friend she trusted. But an unexpected turn of events puts her in danger, and she has to disappear.Businessman Ian Blackwell wants the gossip chasers out of his way. Besides the obvious disruption to his … Besides the obvious disruption to his life, their recklessness also puts at risk a critical merger he is after, one that would put his multinational company at the…

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A man is taken who is the only one who can prevent a catastrophic war, and the race against time to find him might already be too late.A plane carrying an Internationals ambassador vanishes over Europe and is found hours later safely on the ground with the aircrew and passengers still inside, dead. All except for the ambassador, who disappears without a trace.When Oracle is called on to help in … called on to help in the race against time to find the one man who can ensure the survival of two desperate nations and prevent a volatile region from…

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A secret that can never be revealed is threatened and time is running out for its protectors. A security-critical facility is destroyed to get to it and it is called Oracle. That’s all USFID investigator Donovan Pierce knows. And while he is told to find whoever perpetrated the deadly attack, and find them fast, he is also warned not to look for Oracle itself. Lara Holsworth never expected Oracle … Holsworth never expected Oracle to be in any danger. She would like nothing more than to keep it secret and Pierce away from it and from her, but hiding is…

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A life not meant to be is left behind, and a reality beyond imagination is found… Find Her.Is the ancient directive that has once again reawakened in the hearts of those who hide.Kill Her!Is the frantic command of those who fear their rise.Aelia returns from a vacation that did not go quite as she expected, to a life she does not feel at home in but that is, at least, hers. Or so she thinks. … those who fear their rise.Aelia returns from a vacation that did not go quite as she expected, to a life she does not feel…

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