Author: acaprice

How’s a girl supposed to save the world with three hot men eager to distract her? Prophecies, Explosions… Pie. My life has ups and downs, but it’s always full of surprises. I sure never expected magic to exist, or that I would be attending a magic academy. Or that the fate of the world might rest on my shoulders. I was just me, Delaney Jones, a waitress and amateur fighter from Detroit. Now … waitress and amateur fighter from Detroit. Now I’m a newbie witch, just barely scraping by in my classes, and, oh yeah, fighting off attempts on my…

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The Raven Academy could save my life… if it doesn’t kill me first. Waitressing might pay my bills, but it’s my cage fighting at night that really cranks my gears. Until some weird hidden power helped me win a fight. Now no one wants to step in the ring with me. And my life is going from weird to worse. The same night a werewolf tried to tear out my throat, a guy shows up telling me magic exists … telling me magic exists AND goes on to prove it. And, oh yeah, my life is in danger now that…

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