Author: ablackthorne

Bad boy, Alpha Male, Ruthless Businessman.I’m a man who’s built quite a reputation for myself. When my mother left me at a young age, she left me broken and alone. Her absence in my life was what made me who I am now: cold, hard, shattered, and unable to trust. It caused me to lose the one woman I’d ever felt anything for, the woman I thought I’d lost forever.That is, until she comes back into my … comes back into my life.Suddenly my fragile world—that old wound—is reopened and as she gets closer to me, my darkest desires begin…

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Ruthless. Unstoppable. Sexy.These are all things I’ve been called in life. My gorgeous secretary calls me the bad boy in a great suit, and I’m not afraid to admit that I’ve built quite a reputation over the years. Women call me “so so bad” while men call me the biggest, baddest shark on Wall Street. They say I’ve been everywhere, done everything…and so far, it’s all been true.When I want … true.When I want something, I get it.That is, until my past comes back to haunt me and suddenly, everything I’ve built myself upon is at risk.As I look on…

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Don’t go calling me “typical.”Sure, I might seem like a run-of-the-mill, cookie-cutter bad boy: corded with muscle, covered in tattoos, and ready to get down and dirty without a moment’s notice. And, yeah, the only thing I love more than hot women is hotter action.But, love it or hate it, there’s always been more to me than all of that. There’s always something more beneath the surface.More than … surface.More than even I’d expected, as it turns out.Tough as I might be, my childhood was even tougher; everything I thought was worth learning was learned on the streets. Kept secret,…

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AshI’ve always said that life’s good when you’re a bad boy in a good suit, even better if that bad boy’s life can be as sexy and fascinating as mine’s been. Others don’t exactly say that, though. No, to others I’ve been called… well, not-so-nice things. Among the most common, however, is “heartbreaker.”Life can be ironic when it wants to be.The heartbreaker has had his heart broken—shattered, … his heart broken—shattered, really—and I’m left with no one to turn to.No one but my trusty secretary, Amber.Amber, who’s always been by my side. Amber, my most reliable confidant and friend. Amber,…

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Family.Some say it’s everything, and those are the ones who are right. Where they draw the line on what defines family might differ, though. Sure, there’s all that chatter about blood and water, being thick as thieves (whatever the hell that one means), and tons of ties back to “home,” but, for me, family is what you make it.Me? I’ve done wrong, and whether or not those my actions have affected … actions have affected are blood or not I’ve decided to treat them as if they were. It’s what they deserve. And, for me, I’d like to think that…

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