Last Updated: 2021/11/26 09:08
Check Out this Norway Map Guide for Assassin ‘s Creed Valhalla ( AC Valhalla ). teach locations and how to get Ability, Cargo, Gear, Ingot, & Order hidden in each areas ! ! !Map GuidesEngland Map Guide
Norway Map Guide
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We ‘ve plotted the locations of Abilities, Cargo, Gear, and Ingots in each area ! Check out the maps below for accurate locations and try to aim for 100 % completion !
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This map guide is a work in build up. It will be updated arsenic soon as we ‘ve confirmed everything in-game .
Rygjafylke – Locations Of Gear, Ability, Ingot
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Click to EnlargeNo.ItemHow To Get①Carbon Ingot x1Top of the small island located northwest of Hoettrstrand. You can’t climb the cliff with icicles so climb from the long pole. Shoot the ladder to climb up②Carbon Ingot x1Use the secret entrance in Heillbor. Move the rock to find hidden room③Carbon Ingot x1Drops from defeated enemy in Haervik Shipyard④Recurve BowGo down the basement⑤Bone-BiterInside of the house in Ikke en Oy⑥Carbon Ingot x1Open the locked chest (Key is to the north of Deserted Chalet)⑦Carbon Ingot x1Dive underwater⑧Carbon Ingot x1Inside of the cave. Behind the wooden doors.⑨Carbon Ingot x1Drops from defeated enemy⑩Carbon Ingot x1Enter the tower from its top and descend⑪Carbon Ingot x1In the house at Kjotve’s Fortress. Break the wooden windown above the door to enter inside⑫Iron-starIn the house at Kjotve’s Fortress.⑬Rage of HelheimUse the secret entrance in the waterfall. Break the blue wall⑭Carbon Ingot x1Inside of the house in Stavanger. Since the doors are locked, enter the house by breaking the roof top.⑮Carbon Ingot x1Use the secret entrance in Stavanger. Shoot the hanging stone down⑯Yngling SeaxInside of the large house in Eikundarsund⑰Carbon Ingot x1Drop from defeated enemy in Eikundarsund⑱War HammerChest is hanging on the tree. Climb the house next to the tree and jump.⑲Thorn of SlumberClimb up the tower to get inside. Descend the tower⑳Throwing Axe FuryIn the cave. Since the door is locked, climb up the wall to sneak in㉑Carbon Ingot x1In the small hut. To move the blocking door, you need to go to the other side of the hut and shoot the straws hanging from the sealing with flame arrow.Learn Details On How To Get All Rygjafylke Wealth Here
Hordafylke – Locations Of Gear, Ability, Ingot
Click to EnlargeNo.ItemHow To Get①Mark of DeathGet cellar key near the pigs in the yard. Then, shoot and drop rocks which are hanged by net. Proceed the underground cellar and open the door with the key.②TBDTBD