Author: oliviatelford

Is your stress level off the charts?Do you ever feel rushed, anxious, and overwhelmed by having too much stuff?If so, you’re not alone. Most people live life driven by more, more, more. We pack our schedules and homes as full as possible. Our busy lives and constant consumerism, though, don’t fulfill us. Instead, they create chronic stress. Unchecked, that stress leads to physical, mental, and … chronic stress. Unchecked, that stress leads to physical, mental, and emotional health problems like difficulty sleeping and increased rates of anxiety and depression. Worst of all, this pursuit of “more” can leave you with…

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Have you ever felt overwhelmed, suffocated, and stressed out by the amount of clutter in your life? Are you ready to break free from the confines of having too much “stuff” but not sure where to start? The truth is… you probably have too many things taking up unnecessary space in your life. But what you might not know is that those things are weighing you down in more ways than one… Think about … weighing you down in more ways than one… Think about it: all the dirty dishes piling up in the kitchen, those “just in case” items…

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