Author: caryhart

“I do.” Two little words I’ve always wanted to say… You know before I turned into a perpetually single, TV-dinner-eating party of one with thirty cats and a worn-out BOB. Wink. Wink. I’ve swiped left, right, up, down. I’m over it! Now I’m taking matters into my own manicured hands and changing the dating game with my guaranteed to set a date love app. The only thing standing in my way? Owen … app. The only thing standing in my way? Owen Decker. And his huge…ego. With his perfect hair, perfect teeth, and less than perfect proposal. Not the down-on-one-knee…

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‘Getting lucky’ is a phrase I could barely say without blushing… Yep! I’m that girl. The one my friends call goody two shoes…But…good girls don’t finish first. THEY—GET—DUMPED. Even after investing—no, wasting—six years of their life on the guy who was supposed to be the one. So…I traded in my halo for a pair of horns!Hello, world…Clover Kelly is single and ready to mingle!Then it … horns!Hello, world…Clover Kelly is single and ready to mingle!Then it happened, I suddenly found myself starring in the dating game to beat all dating games.While pouring out my heart to my best friend, my…

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With a name like Vegas Manilow, it was inevitable I would find my way back to the City of Sin, where I was born to Lola, she was a showgirl with yellow feathers in her hair . . . okay, she was a stripper. Cliché, right? Tell me about it. Desperate to do something more, be more . . . I wind up the last place I expected—a one-stop wedding chapel. Cue the Elvis and grab the feathers. Instead of a … feathers. Instead of a tacky wedding parlor or Vegas side show, what I find is a family, a place where I…

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Who will you be when the lights go down?PENNYI don’t know who I am anymore. It’s been so long since I’ve been allowed to think for myself. And now that I can, all I can think about is him. My protector. His massive build which should frighten me but makes me feel safe. And his intense eyes that linger on me when he thinks I’m not looking. But why would he want me? I’m broken.SHAPIROI vowed never … he want me? I’m broken.SHAPIROI vowed never to get close to anyone again. Do the job, get paid and survive. That’s all.…

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Who will you be when the lights go down?ELLIEMy family never understood my love of music, and when forced to choose between the two, I walked away… from everything. I used to play as an escape. Now I play because it’s who I am meant to be and I’m not about to risk it all for a man I barely know. When the lights go down, and I step off that stage, we’ll both find out who I really am. LEEI’ve … that stage, we’ll both find out who I really am. LEEI’ve worked hard to build something I’m proud…

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When do the words “I’m sorry” mean nothing? When his words hurt more than his touch? What happens when leaving is harder than staying? Fear. The lines between right and wrong have become so blurred…accepting who you’ve become is not an option.Shame.Escape is the only way to fight back…finding someone willing to fight with you is something you never saw coming. Hope.But before you can conquer … you never saw coming. Hope.But before you can conquer love, you have to battle your past…more

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What happens when something you were not looking for comes along, and it’s more than you ever could have imagined?Changing you.How do you live with yourself when you look in the mirror and don’t recognize the broken reflection staring back? Because it makes you do things that you never expected you were capable of.Will a heart that’s been torn in two pieces keep on beating? I’m about to find out.… beating? I’m about to find out.Love Divided. The decision should be easy… it isn’t. more

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