Author: amgeever

It’s what you don’t see coming that kills you. Safely hidden from San Jose’s City Council, Miranda Tucci almost believes that life can be good again. Reunited with Mario, and accompanied by her best friend Father Doug Michel, she has undertaken the hazardous journey to the Pacific Northwest. There, the trio of friends hope to recreate the vaccine for the zombie virus. But danger still lurks in … virus. But danger still lurks in what used to be civilization, and hearts can still be broken. If Miranda lowers her guard enough to nurture a small, soft dream, can she risk losing it without…

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Compared to the secrets of the human heart, killing zombies is a snap. Urban farmer Miranda Tucci is lucky to be alive in what’s left of California’s Silicon Valley, even if her love life is as lively as the average zombie. But when an old flame turns up at nearby Santa Clara University, she begins to wonder if her luck might be changing. A ruthless governing council controls the cure for the … zombie virus. When Miranda joins a plot to steal it the ghosts of her past collide with the present. Will the vaccine continue to be used for…

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